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Streets Quest #3: Halloween Edition

by andrewjmac

Hey Questers! You've survived Halloween (I'm assuming) and, your bloodlust and candylust satisfied, you've come back for more Streets Quest to satisfy your...historylust, I guess. Anyway, this time around we have a Halloween edition of Streets Quest. Sort of. We couldn't find anything too terrifying in the Streets Exhibits, unless you find embezzlement and the betrayal of the public trust terrifying--and you probably should! What makes this the Halloween Edition is that the panel you are using to complete the quest is a ghost: it no longer exists in corporeal form. You can still see on the street where it once stood, and of course it lives on at the Downtown Ann Arbor Historical Street Exhibit website, but until we get some Dr. Frankenstein action, it is no longer with us. The only other thing Halloweeny about Streets Quest #3 is that it isn't too tricky, so I guess that's a treat! Is that a stretch? Yes it is! Oh, and there is one kinda gross code. I guess we should appreciate that Ann Arbor's history isn't too full of horror, despite our dear departed panel. On to your clue:

Don’t be afraid to go banking, or do business of various sorts,
Though imposing the place you must go to, I guess the ball’s in your court!

Streets Quest #3
echo theme_summergame_badge(471,472,473,474,475);

Happy Questing!


I am feeling pretty stupid about now. I can't find anything from this clue and I can't figure out why. Is there some way to search for panels other than looking at the map?

ETA: Post and slightly-delayed solve. Wow, that was not the keyword I would have expected to have success with.

Okay I might have to go downtown. Does anyone have any hints for the 3rd clue of glass gazing?
Tried searching online but no luck.

I have, by sheer coincidence, the last three codes to glass glazing. I found them ONLINE. If you can help me find the first three codes.......
to begin with, you saw my first posts. is the coded one correct?

I feel silly, but I can't even get the first Badge. I think the answer's a bank or bank building, but it's not unlocking te quest. It is giving me points for other badges though....

i HAVE three words mengland
asian girl, it's not exactaly a building, more like an area

Easy my foot. Blind alleys, lack of searchable terms, or maybe I am just an idiot and will slap myself silly once I stumble upon another code, but it's been days without progress. I am not hopeful.

i have
walk your bike
bike lane ahead
as my only two codes, and they appear on the same picture

To find the Quest Unlocker, ignore the riddle and find the location of the building in the picture.

OK, I'm still being an idiot. I've tried various combos with "block" at the end, and then another various combos with "street" at the end, with also with a NSEW direction in the beginning. I've tried others with "bank" in the middle along with "court" somewhere stuck around.
Seriously... how many words is this unlocker???? I can't believe I'm such an idiot!

SarahRose is right. Just find the building and the one near it and read the history. You'll know what this missing/ghost 'panel' is. It would be easier if you just stop chasing the ghost. You have all the panels you need.
@Bookbird and @asiangirl: if you haven't already found it. You are very close. olhv gsv blfi zmw uloold dszg nvmtozmw dilgv. @Yllpyriw: Blf ziv dzb luu lm gsv kzmvoh. Find the building you'll know. Gslhv wzbh vevibgsrmt rnkligzmg hvvnvw gl szkkvm lm gsrh hgivvg. Hope it helps.

Congrats asiangirl! what are you on now?
for me, the glass glazing code #2,
is the building near banks?

@Bookbird: find the building shown in the clue. Street view can help here. But what you are looking for is partially obstructed by a tree and a street lamp. If you know where it is you'll have no problem solving it.

I'm stuck on the clue after yours. For your needed clue, look at the main street arborwiki. It has a listing of businesses and building names. You just need the right building name for the code. It's the building in the picture for glass glazing quest.

I had to go downtown to get the third Glass Gazing code and after. It we very quick once I was there, though I admit having a smartphone in my hand so I could enter codes and get the next clue helped immensely.

@bookbird: yes, it's quite easy if you are able to go downtown. If you can't get to that exact corner but can get to other parts of downtown, there appears to be only three signs in downtown AA that fit the clue - some corners have one, some have another. So if you can spot any in the downtown area, it might be the right one. The sign we want here is a sign that probably appears in other cities or other areas, it is not unique to AA. Good luck!

@pk: the chances of me going to downtown is 2/365. I'm trying to use google images. searching for:neon signs ann arbor downtown main.
any other suggestions? I know it contains numbers and letters, common, but nothing other than that

bookbird - my bad. I was thinking of the first glass gazing, not the third when I last replied. I actually still don't have the third and I've been to the corner, and know exactly which sign they are speaking of - I think. Guess I didn't remember the sign right because none of my guesses are right. Or I have the wrong sign. Then again, I find the clue a little mysterious. If I've got the right sign, you might find this sign on this kind of business in any place.

Last and final clue help for me! Last clue for online looker. Tried a bunch of different combos of numbers and words, but nothing seems to work. Help?

it's ok pk
as for the code, "open" is pretty common, but it isn't it. 2333 ann arbor muffler isn't it. what could it be?

@Bookbird: If you can go to downtown you can see it on the window of this building from Main street. It is not the address. Find out what the building is called these days. If you know what business is conducted here, you can figure it out. The neon sign tells you about something related to this business. When it is available (two digit number followed by a word)+ what it is(1 word)+where it is located (2 words). There is no 'the' in the location but there is a preposition.

@bookbird: I know you've said you couldn't get downtown (sure you can't bribe somebody? Promise them a zing sandwich or loaf of bread? A hot cider from the farmer's market? Not too far from the corner in question. It's so easy if you go there). So think about the particular businesses that inhabit that corner. And the building in question. Should be able to get that by googling /street view. You'll need to know this anyway, so may as well find out now. What might these businesses put as a sign in their window? An advertisement, of sorts, about what they offer...

And see above clues. I finally got it by driving by (again). Remembered the sign wrong, though I would have gotten it if I'd been more persistent in guessing. Good luck!

rimpopu, yours is really helpful (not sarcastically, it really is), I have a good idea of the thing on the sign. it's just the last two words. over here doesn't work, neither does on main
pk, no, i can't bribe people. no one in my neighborhood cares about summer game. i know what business though...., but i tried street view. doesn't work.

old fashioned guesswork it is.....

@Bookbird: street view isn't helpful here. Last two words - first one is a preposition and the other is actual location inside that building where people wait...starts with L*.

So, if you think you know the "what" on the sign, the "when" and just not the "where", correct? The sign is practically a sentence - the two last words tell you where. Lots of good clues given above. It's not automatic, but I tell you, you'll get there in time.

Sorry you can't bribe anyone by offering to buy them a treat at the farmer's market or zingerman's or anywhere else downtown - if only you could drive by, the sign is clear as day!

my defense, i tried a lot of the propsitions, and i would have gotten the badge, but i think something in my code is wrong. 24istmrpmzymrbyylo, and reverse the solution after bashing it

@Bookbird: I am sure you can decode this - Gdl nrhgzpvh zmw rg rh mlg gsv kivk li dszg xlnvh zugvi. Fhv ufoo dliw rmhgvzw lu zyyi yfg mlg rm kofizo. Yfg blf mvvw zyyi uli gsv zmlgsvi. Srmg: rg rh hlnvgsrmt gszg rh zezrozyov 'mfnyvih + gsv hvxlmw ufoo dliw'. Xsvxp zmb hrgv uli grnrmt lu hrnrozi yfhrmvhhvh zmw blf'oo pmld dszg rg rh.

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